Friday, 13 April 2012

Research on Target Audience

Our movie is a drama, we have decided to do a drama because we feel that it will have a larger target audience than horror, which was originally the genre that we planned to do.
We decided to do a movie on drama rather than horror because we felt the audience will be more interested and attracted to a drama movie rather than a horror movie, which is rather typical.
A target audience is a group of people that the movie is appealing to and aimed at.
The target audience for our movie is anyone from the the age of 6 and above.
I think the target audience should be over the age of 6 because our movie is about cancer and young children will not understand what cancer means.
Our movie is a drama and therefore it should attract a larger audience because it can be viewed as a family movie which is appropriate for people of any age and gender.
We are aware of the fact that our movie is more likely to attract females rather than males as the narrative is emotional and depressing.
It is a fact that women are more likely to feel empathy towards the character than men as women are more emotional and sensitive than men and therefore, would be more sympathetic.
Some men may watch the movie with their partners or family, but other than that it wouldn't be the sort of movie that men would willing go and watch themselves.
Furthermore i assume that a large group of the audience will be teenage girls as the main character is a teenage girl and they will feel as if they understand her feelings and the emotional turmoil that she is going through.
The genre of the movie is extremely important as different types of genre attract different types of audiences.
Overall i think that we made the right decision in doing a drama movie instead of horror as it provides us with a larger audience.

Joygun Yasmin Nessa

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