Saturday, 28 April 2012


This is our preliminary task, including a variety of camera shots. It must have the 180 degree rule, shot-reverse shot and action match. Titles and music are compulsory.

The whole group.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Final Edit

Making the film opening was great fun and really exciting, i enjoyed working together to create a fantastic piece of work.
I think that our final edit is a huge improvement compared to our rough cut.
The range of various different shots is much better and the narrative is a lot clearer to understand.
When we first started to make the film opening, i was really bad at filming and keeping the camera steady, but throughout making the film opening i think that my camera skills developed a lot and is now much improved, the camera shots i did in the final edit are a lot better than when i first started to film.
I think that the titles that me and farjana made came out good, but they could have been a little more adventuress because they are quite simple.
However we have purposely made the titles simple because when we researched into titles we saw that drama movies had simple titles.
In our final edit there is a lot more various editing techniques than our rough edit.
To sum up i feel that the final edit has improved significantly and is a lot more enjoyable to watch.

Joygun Yasmin Nessa

Sunday, 15 April 2012

My Experience and thoughts

This project was a great adventure at the start, it was difficult to get the shots correctly, the only shot we did correctly was the whip-pan as we practiced before hand. Also because it we where so set on just getting the camera work done and over with so we can we move onto editing the footage, we just got the shots following on our storyboard, not getting a range of shots, to experiment and the consequences showed after.  Whilst filming, it all felt like a long process, also because we were in the middle of winter and the weather was very cold and breezy. When we went to the city to shoot the whip-pans, it was snowing, so it was very hard working on the camera with burning cold hands. However, because of the weather and our tight-schedule we could not get various restaurants of different cultures, hence, having street cafes and bakeries, which were also a little bumpy whilst whip-panning. We couldn’t get the restaurants we wanted because of timing and other subject work and curfews, also the distance and time to get to our destination.
On the other hand, when we where shooting on the riverside, it was very hard to get the actresses expression because of the barrier. So most of her expressions where side shots and because of the sun behind her face, her body was made a faint silhouette making it difficult to see her expression.
Editing was only difficult when editing footage that wasn’t shot properly and editing with footage of few range of shots. Also, it lacked in different editing, which could’ve been put in easily, for instance, eye line match,action match or graphic match. Despite the fact that our first draft didn't develop to be how we pictured it, it opened our eyes on where we went wrong. So we were set on getting all the shots needed and making sure our original idea's were still intact, nevertheless, still trying different shots on each frame and it came to great use when editing because when one thing didn't look right, we could change or cover it with something else. 
We also used voice-over for the first time, when we did your practise run it sounded fine, however, we did realise that we will have to time it with the edited footage. But the problem was when we recorded our voice over for our rough edit and it came our with an echo, so for our final edit we had to tweek wih the program to get it normal with no effect and was much better.
Music was another adventure also, I couldn't find the right song, I knew i definelty wanted to have a piano playing, if not it being just a solo, because of the research I've done on the drama genre and that was the best way to go. However, everything that we chose seemes abit too depressing or too happy or even held a fantasy feeling. That's what our first music choice delievered, the genre of fantasy, which was completely different to what we wanted our music to signify. We wanted it to establish the genre and soon we found a fitting song, we just had to cut parts off and add specific parts of the music to get it just right.
Overall, I think our project was abit unusual, our first draft was much more different to the the storyboard and then the final edited video was sticking to the storyboard only adding a few extra action match and some natural transitions. Now, we only wait for the feedback and see what our audience thought of it.

Farjana [Reshma] Rahman

Friday, 13 April 2012

Research on Target Audience

Our movie is a drama, we have decided to do a drama because we feel that it will have a larger target audience than horror, which was originally the genre that we planned to do.
We decided to do a movie on drama rather than horror because we felt the audience will be more interested and attracted to a drama movie rather than a horror movie, which is rather typical.
A target audience is a group of people that the movie is appealing to and aimed at.
The target audience for our movie is anyone from the the age of 6 and above.
I think the target audience should be over the age of 6 because our movie is about cancer and young children will not understand what cancer means.
Our movie is a drama and therefore it should attract a larger audience because it can be viewed as a family movie which is appropriate for people of any age and gender.
We are aware of the fact that our movie is more likely to attract females rather than males as the narrative is emotional and depressing.
It is a fact that women are more likely to feel empathy towards the character than men as women are more emotional and sensitive than men and therefore, would be more sympathetic.
Some men may watch the movie with their partners or family, but other than that it wouldn't be the sort of movie that men would willing go and watch themselves.
Furthermore i assume that a large group of the audience will be teenage girls as the main character is a teenage girl and they will feel as if they understand her feelings and the emotional turmoil that she is going through.
The genre of the movie is extremely important as different types of genre attract different types of audiences.
Overall i think that we made the right decision in doing a drama movie instead of horror as it provides us with a larger audience.

Joygun Yasmin Nessa