The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is a film directed by David Fincher and has been released on 23rd of December. This dramatic film with action and a hint of thriller is estimated to make £8,000,00 in box office. A film about a journalist-investigator and a precious computer hacker becoming involved in life threatening mysteries. David Fincher also directed the film Panic Room, which is listed mostly as a thriller movie, nevertheless you can get a sense of drama as the daughter in the 'panic room' has diabetes and they are prisoned in their own house. When dramatic films like 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' have action and thriller they tend to get more of a male audience, for instance the percentage of the audience to be male will be 56%. however, the male audience beat the female audience by a tiny amount as the percentage of female audience is 44%. Comparing the gender audience to 'Panic Room', the male audience is increased slightly by 60% and the female audience is 40%. Panic Room was a very re-memorable and successful film, it won one award and got nominated 8 times and it is very clear that 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo' will be thrice as much successful. With the director being known for his precise filming, from getting quick shots of typing on a keyboard and making sure that every little prop is in the the scene to make it create the right atmosphere.
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